A commitment to innovation and sustainability
Perth Amboy United
Independent: My only loyalty is to you the people of Perth Amboy, Not Party Bosses.
Experienced: 40+ years in emergency services, also served as Fire Chief, 12-1/2 years on the city council; 6 years as council President. Current owner of a 124 year old Perth Amboy business.
Honest: When I tell you I am going to do something, it gets done!
Integrity: I believe in doing the right thing, open government
Transparency: As City Council President; I held 4 separate public meetings per month; I had two new video monitors installed in council chambers; I established ZOOM meetings, ZOOM Chat, public comment over ZOOM, I opened meetings for the public to attend in person with social distancing, I answered my city phone 24/7, everyone got a call back! I insisted ALL question would be answered in a timely manner!
1. I will appoint a professional Police Director from it’s ranks who knows our police department inside & out.
2. I will bring in professional staff with knowledge of our city to manage city business.
3. I will reinstitute monthly community meetings in each of our wards, in the public’s interest.
4. We will take Perth Amboy’s History seriously making meaningful changes to promote and save the historic sites we have.
5. I will open up our government giving free open access to the Mayor;
I will not hide behind closed doors & office staff handlers.
6. I will replace anyone not willing & able to do their job competently.
7. I will NOT make promises to the public I can’t keep in my first four years in office.
8. Tackle our unsafe housing dilemma in our community, EVERYONE deserves a safe, clear place to live their lives.
9. Actually Work on solving our burdensome parking issues.
Thank You,
William Petrick Line C for Mayor
mayorwilliampetrick.org mayorwilliampetrick@gmail.com Facebook
Paid for by Perth Amboy United William Petrick for Mayor